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"My name is Amol, and this is my blog. I intend to be a dev one day, so all my struggles and all my works [if I do them] will be here. I'm a computer science student, and I hope to be attending UC Davis by Fall 08."


"My immediate goal would be to learn XML and make my own Trillian skin. From scratch [EGAD!]. I'm just about done with a basic understanding of HTML, and after some brushing up, I plan to move on Javascript and then XML. Seems like a 5 year-plan, doesn't it?"



So I've been looking at all these PMPs that have been churned out into the market. I don't get why all of them just have to seek ID3 tags from music files and then sort them accordingly. Why can't I just play by browsing thru files and folders? And by Jove, do I really have to stand the atrocity of softwares like iTunes and SonicStage? Do I really deserve that kind of punishment for something I paid for? SonicStage is just fugly. I mean, for all the crapness it is, at least make it pleasing to the eye! Ahem, brb. *A loud crashing noise is heard* Ah, so where was I? Ah yes, PMPs.

After owning an iPod (thereby being a consumerwhore for a while) and a Sony NW-S705 (it's a nice piece of equipment; for something that great hardware wise, they could employ some common sense and have ole drag-n-drop OR let 3rd parties come up with much better ideas and thereby cutting costs and firing those blasted programmers). Wonderful stuff, equipment wise. I wouldn't have gotten "rid" of them (I pushed them away to my parents) if I could just get something decent to transfer my files over. ATRAC, IMO, is wonderful.

My hunt for the "perfect" DAP continues. I could've stopped long before, when I came across the Creative Zen Vision:M, but the only thing that kept me away was the ID3 tag sortage. Along came teh Meizu M6. Some reviewer, I forget who, mentioned that it could browse files ID3 tag wise AND file/folder wise. It pretty much sold itself after that - the looks, the interface, everything just added. It's in fact the first Chinese company I've come across that actually has something really cool design wise and package wise. The GUI could use a better font, but I'm not complaining. Nothing is perfect anyway.

To add to it, I heard the Meizu M6 SE is in the mill. Let's see how that turns out, and if I lay my hands on it, I'ma review it(Gosh so many in my to-review list. But what can I do? I don't have an option other than purchasing it, and to purchase it would mean I need the munnies, and that means I need time. But it does seem like I'm going to have a flurry of them in the end!). Heck, what have I got to lose? So stick around if you'd like.

EDIT!!: Oooh! Linux support! Now that's SUCH a first (IMHO)! Japanese support too. Even the non-SE is perfect in so many respects that I don't really see a reason to get the SE, other than the slimmer body.

Hang on, haaaang on - got some lo-down on the SE by some mere googling(I'm so styuupid)...Just head over to Meizu ME's Thread on the M6 SE. Nuff Said

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